Latest Episodes
135 - We Ain't Recovering
We have talked about many of the things that are wrong in the IFB and it is about time we discussed some things we...
134 - Gospel Centered
What does it mean to be Gospel Centered? What is the Gospel? How do we live a life that reflects the Gospel? The Gospel...
133 - Reunited
This episode is focused on what has happened over the past month. Jc's new plans are discussed, a few impromptu phone calls are made,...
132 - Twentysomething or Twentysomeone with Louie Giglio
What is God's will for your life? How do you make decisions about specific situations. What if you miss it? Does that mean God...
131 - Men of Valor with Eric Stewart and Travis Watson
Men are called to lead and love their families. Unfortunately, many men are neglecting their duties to be the spiritual leaders of their homes....
130 - God's Will
Seasons of transition are never easy, but God uses these times to shape us and lead us into places we would have never gone...