On location in the city founded between 22 and 10 BC by Herod the Great, a group of pastors gathered under the Hadrianic Aqueduct on the shore of the Mediteranean Sea to listen to a sermon by Brian Edwards who challenged Christians to reject a religion of comfort and to embrace the call of the Gospel to take up our cross and suffer with Christ. We invite you to join us for this short episode that packs a powerful message that is needed in the church, today!
Bob and Kelly Radank tell the rest of their story. The hero of their story is God and He is using the trials we...
Dr. James White and Dr. Stephen Boyce join the RFP in honor of Reformation Day to discuss the lasting impact it has left on...
Brian Edwards has been called every name in the book, from liberal, to compromiser, and much worse. This has not stopped him from devoting...