Jon Hollifield and James Safrit of the 4 Freedom Podcast join up in today's episode with Clay Maynard and Josh Johnson of The Young Baptist Podcast to get to The Heart of the Matter... literally... that's the topic of their discussion. Legalism is sometimes relegated to the realm of minor exterior issues, but the truth of the matter is that legalism starts in the heart. It is the heart of man that desires to accomplish his own salvation, add to the Holy Scriptures, and to burden the people of God with rules that God never intended to be invented or enforced. Grace is the heart of the Gospel and legalism is an attack against God's provision for our sin in Christ.
JC, Brian, and Nate sit down with Clay Maynard to discuss his deliverance from legalism. Clay explains the conflicts that exist within the world...
Listen as Brian and JC talk about the first episodes and the response to RFP so far. Visit the Share Your Story section of...
Of all the idols that exist in our world today, one in particular that many people wouldn’t expect to exist is that of religion...