What does the Bible say about Homosexuality? The world wants us to celebrate it, legalists want us to condemn sinners, but Jesus had compassion on sinners and He came to save them. Does your church have a Biblical view of marriage and sexuality? In this episode, JC, Brian, and Nate talk about the Image of God and how that factors into the sexual ethics conversation, the importance of having a clear, Biblical stance on this issue, and the power of the Gospel to save sinners.
Mark Lowry, the man who coined the term "Recovering Fundamentalist", joins JC, Brian, and Nathan for a hilarious conversation about eschatology, politics, fundamentalism, God's...
They're back... After their summer sabbatical, the debate, and an incredible job by the RFP Network, the boys are ready to recap what has...
Trevin Wax is vice president of research and resource development at the North American Mission Board and a visiting professor at Wheaton College. A...