Fundamentalism has been Teetotally Opposed to Alcohol since the Prohibition, but... what does the Bible say about Alcohol? Is it a sin to drink it? Is it a sin to brew it? Is it a sin to sell it? Is moderation a "Weaker" position born of compromise? It's about time the RFP dealt with this topic and we have a feeling this will extend for multiple episodes.
Greg Stier is an evangelist, author, speaker, and the founder, president, and CEO of Dare 2 Share Ministries. In these 2 episodes he shares...
What are the things about the IFB that don't reflect what the Bible says a Church is supposed to be? Brian, JC, and Nate...
This week we wrap up our series on music by sharing the 26 Letters episode "M is for Music". They discuss the history of...