Today, The Preachers Kids Podcast (with Jon Groves and Eli Blevins) are stepping to host our last week of Sabbatical. We believe this episode will resonate with so many of our listeners, as many of us grew up as PK’s.
The Preachers Kids Podcast:
• follow on instagram
Jon Groves:
• instagram: @JonLGroves
Eli Blevins:
• instagram: @EliBlevins
Nathan recently went to Maranatha Baptist Church in Oak Grove, Kentucky, where Pastor Austin Weist asked him to preach on, "The Truth Behind Translations"....
This week Clay and Josh of The Young Baptist Podcast share their episode on Individual Soul Liberty. Enjoy!
JC, Brian, and Nathan are joined by a few special guests. Be sure to stay tuned until the end for a big announcement. Merry...