Truth Never Fears A Challenge... What does this mean? Does it mean you jump from of every cliff anyone challenges you to leap off? Does it mean that you allow people who do not hold your values and beliefs to control you? Does it mean you accept every debate or agree to every invitation to appear on a podcast simply because you were challenged? Absolutely not! JC, Brian, and Nate talk about discernment and wisdom on this episode and even make some challenges of their own.
JC, Brian, and Nate discuss the new direction of the RFP Network and recent drama on social media.
JC, Brian, and Nate share some upcoming changes going on in the RFP and their lives. Spoiler Alert: There is no spoiler! Ya gotta...
Some of the #RFPFam share their stories at The Bourbon Meetup. The weight of the hurt experienced in the IFB, the extent of God's...