Barnabas Piper joins JC, Brian, and Nathan for the first of a 2 part interview. This week we are going to be looking at 2 topics that are often used by legalists to reinforce their position. The Fear of God and Keeping the Commandments are both often misrepresented and misunderstood, so this week Barnabas is teaching from Ecclesiastes 12:13 to help us understand what it means to walk in wisdom rather than legalism. Let's hear The End of the Matter...
What is Sound Doctrine? Why does it matter? We have been insulted and attacked over our recent Statement of Faith and over our stand...
Join host JC Groves and Matt Dudley for our RFP 6th anual Christmas Eve speial. Special Music by Chosen Road.
Join hosts JC, Nathan & Brian as they talk about the power of a story. You’ll hear a story from a missionary in Spain...